As a Nutritionist I promote ‘Eating Well’, and it seems that someone in Tasmania, strongly agrees with me.
This picture was taken North of Hobart, during a recent trip to Tasmania.
There’s certainly no reason not to eat well in Tasmania – the produce is SO fresh.
I have to confess I hadn’t seen home grown brussell sprouts until I saw these ones on display at Salamanca Markets … good do they look !!
I find, you either love brussell sprouts, or push them around your dinner plate.
I happen to love these little cabbages – they’re part of the cruciferous family, and do a great job of acting as an antioxidant, by inhibiting enzymes that activate carcinogens; they also activate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens; which may help reduce the risk of some cancers.
They provide a number of other nutrients including; selenium, vitamin C and vitamin K, which participates in the metabolism of bone formation and may help to decrease bone turnover, and reduce fractures.
If you’re open to trying them, they will reward you with lot’s of nutritional goodness.
I simply sauté them in a little olive oil and garlic – but you could throw in some chestnuts – see the recipe below by ‘Judy Davis’ of The Food Coach.
8 whole chestnuts
1 kg Brussels sprouts
2 cloves garlic, sliced finely
2 tbsp olive oil
black pepper and sea salt
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Make an incision in each chestnut and roast them in
the oven for 20 minutes. Remove them from the heat
and wrap in a tea towel. Peel each chestnut while it’s
still hot and cut into slices approx 5 mm thick.
Steam the brussel sprouts until they are tender,
approx 10 minutes. While the sprouts are cooking, heat the olive oil and cook the garlic and chestnuts for approx 2 – 3 minutes until the garlic is golden.
Toss the garlic and chestnuts through the sprouts and
Note: always pierce chestnuts before roasting them
otherwise they will explode in the oven and continue
to explode when you pull them out. At best it’ll make
a terrible mess, at worst you could burn badly.
Makes 6 servings