Let’s Talk Menopause
Supporting women in the workplace through policy and practical strategies.
Does your company have a high attrition rate of senior female staff?
Does your organisation need a wellness policy to support menopausal women in the workplace?
Do the men and management staff in your workplace need guidance and tools to help them interact better with their female colleagues experiencing menopause?
Did you know..
Women in Australia aged 45+ years comprise 17% of Australia’s workforce? A 2021 study found that 83% of Australian women experiencing menopause were affected at work, but only 70% would feel comfortable speaking with their manager about it.2
Although menopause is part and parcel of a woman’s life, it is a ‘silent issue’ for most organisations. Menopausal symptoms can leave a woman feeling anxious, tired and depressed. Hot flushes and hormonal fluctuations might result in sick days off at work and lower productivity. All too often, women experiencing perimenopause or menopause have no workplace support.
They consider taking a career break or retiring early when it gets too much. About 1 in 4 women consider quitting their jobs, which derails their careers. Companies suffer with a lack of women in management roles and low staff retention.
‘let’s talk menopause’ is the program your workplace needs.
Hosted by clinical nutritionist and herbalist Angela Emmerton and stress management coach Alison Hutchens, this program is designed to open up the conversation around menopause in the workplace, providing your staff with the science, tools and resources they need. This 4-week program can be conducted in-person or online and can be tailored to suit your team’s needs.
This program aims to:
- Break the silence and isolation surrounding menopause and get the conversation started
- Give women the information and tools they need to thrive at work
- Support organisations with their in-house wellness policies
- Provide training tools and tips for managers
- Help companies increase the retention of experienced female staff
- Provide women with practical strategies to improve their effectiveness at work
- Educate men in the workplace so that they have a better understanding of what menopausal women are experiencing
Have a few questions? Want to get started but not sure what your team needs? Need more information?

What organisations are saying…
“We were thrilled to have Angela Emmerton and Alison Hutchens deliver their ‘let’s talk menopause’ program to SBS staff in such a professional and comprehensive way. I highly recommend this program to any organisation looking to educate their employees about menopause – it normalises this topic, especially among men and it helps the organisation frame in-house policies around menopause.
Angela and Alison are knowledgeable presenters. They provided practical tools and resources to help improve the health of our staff at this crucial time in their lives and removed the stigma around menopause.
They engaged well with our staff and the information was delivered in a relatable way. I received positive feedback from the program with staff members saying it opened up the conversation and they learnt a lot. We look forward to more of Angela and Alison’s insights and learnings on the latest in health science and wellbeing.”
Vanessa Pitt, Head of Health and Wellbeing – SBS

“Alison & Angela (The Menopause Whisperers) presented a two-part series for our corporate Wellbeing Program on Perimenopause and Menopause during World Menopause Awareness Month. These sessions provided an opportunity for participants to learn more about what happens to the body during this natural stage of life and how to support themselves and others, including while at work.
Participants were open, engaged, and enthusiastic about the opportunity to discuss a topic surrounded by so much taboo. We found Alison and Angela to be both prepared and professional and readily able to answer questions and openly share their own personal experiences. We would not hesitate to recommend Alison and Angela and look forward to working with them in the near future.”
Kim Mulder, Program Manager – Dott Group, on behalf of the Victorian Law Courts

If you feel like your organisation or team would benefit from the ‘let’s talk menopause’ program, please fill the form below and let’s get the conversation started.

I’ve committed to support Two Good Co’s mission to 'empower vulnerable women to re-establish their self-belief and independence’, given that women over 55 are now the fastest growing cohort of homeless people within Australia.
National Accreditation
Direct Appointments:
[email protected]
+61 438 119 042
3 Hayes Street, Neutral Bay
NSW 2089